Urban Renewal Plan Preparation & Approval Process
An applicant must submit an application (see Application Requirements) to the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority (CSURA) to request consideration for a specific parcel or combination of parcels, controlled by the applicant, for urban renewal designation as described in the Colorado State Statues.
If the area is approved for consideration then a Conditions Study (Blight Study) must be completed justifying the appropriate requirements for slum and blight as identified in the Colorado State Statues. The cost of all reports and studies are the responsibility of the applicant. The CSURA Board will review the findings of the Conditions Study at a regularly scheduled Board meeting and authorize the preparation of an impact report, and urban renewal plan if warranted.
If the appropriate slum and blight conditions are found in the study area, the next step is to have an Impcat Report, third party financial review and a draft concept plan prepared for the area and presented to CSURA for review. The cost of all of these documents is the responsibility of the applicant. In addition to these steps, there could also be required public presentations and forums that need to be completed.
The Impact Report along with TIF sharing agreements must be distributed to the taxing districts along with the conceptual draft Urban Renewal Plan. The Impact Report must show the community and economic benefits and identify any physical and service impacts (if any) to services and how the project will address these impacts. Once the districts' staffs have a chance to review and comment, board presentations most occur to finalize the TIF sharing agreements.
Upon approval by the CSURA and the Planning Commission, the plan and city sales tax sharing agreement are scheduled for presentation to the Colorado Springs City Council for final review and adoption. If the City Council does not adopt the plan, revisions may be required before submitting it for reconsideration.
There is a great responsibility of both the developer and the authority to see the implementation of the project and overall plan of the area. Reports back to the board may be required by staff as well as regularly scheduled meetings to ensure responsibilities are being fulfilled and the plan is being followed.
- Read URA Guidelines and submit URA application
- Staff Review (up to 2 weeks)
- Possible project application committee review (up to 2 weeks)
- Final Submittal
An applicant must submit an application (see Application Requirements) to the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority (CSURA) to request consideration for a specific parcel or combination of parcels, controlled by the applicant, for urban renewal designation as described in the Colorado State Statues.
- URA Board presentation (board meets once per month) to get approval for blight study, draft plan and impact report to be ordered
If the area is approved for consideration then a Conditions Study (Blight Study) must be completed justifying the appropriate requirements for slum and blight as identified in the Colorado State Statues. The cost of all reports and studies are the responsibility of the applicant. The CSURA Board will review the findings of the Conditions Study at a regularly scheduled Board meeting and authorize the preparation of an impact report, and urban renewal plan if warranted.
- Retainer agreement signed and developer funds are deposited with accounting
- Blight study, draft plan, third party financial review and impact report presented to the CSURA Board for approval (board meets once per month)
- Staff seeks permission from the board to begin the taxing district talks
If the appropriate slum and blight conditions are found in the study area, the next step is to have an Impcat Report, third party financial review and a draft concept plan prepared for the area and presented to CSURA for review. The cost of all of these documents is the responsibility of the applicant. In addition to these steps, there could also be required public presentations and forums that need to be completed.
- After initial taxing district talks begin (schedules will vary) official 90 day negotiations notice is sent out and scheduling begins for presentation to their boards (county, school, library, etc.)
- Developer agreement drafts begin with staff and finance committee
- Sales tax sharing agreement gets scheduled with City Council Budget Committee
The Impact Report along with TIF sharing agreements must be distributed to the taxing districts along with the conceptual draft Urban Renewal Plan. The Impact Report must show the community and economic benefits and identify any physical and service impacts (if any) to services and how the project will address these impacts. Once the districts' staffs have a chance to review and comment, board presentations most occur to finalize the TIF sharing agreements.
- After district TIF agreements are in place and the developer agreement is in the final form there will be a presentation to the CSURA Board for the final plan and developer agreement approval
- Plan presentation to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council (Planning Commission meets once per month)
Upon approval by the CSURA and the Planning Commission, the plan and city sales tax sharing agreement are scheduled for presentation to the Colorado Springs City Council for final review and adoption. If the City Council does not adopt the plan, revisions may be required before submitting it for reconsideration.
- Plan and Sales Tax Sharing agreement presented at City Council Work Session
- Plan and Sales Tax Sharing agreement presented at City Council Regular Session for back-to-back approval
- Urban Renewal Area officially formed and developer agreement with the CSURA commences
There is a great responsibility of both the developer and the authority to see the implementation of the project and overall plan of the area. Reports back to the board may be required by staff as well as regularly scheduled meetings to ensure responsibilities are being fulfilled and the plan is being followed.
Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority
Phone: 719-385-5714
Mailing Address: PO Box 1575, MC 628 Colorado Springs CO 80901-1575 Street Address: 30 South Nevada Avenue Suite 604 Colorado Springs CO 80903 |